Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A wise man was älynny rytäkän aut slash in the middle of the scene of professionalism lääkintäväkiä

Welcome back! Light Crystals (The light crystals) pages. I write in these pages of my life from everyday aut life, which are closely related nature and respect for all living aut things, as well as a spiritual connection to higher powers. I'm trying to convey the positive thinking and happiness to readers. aut I also write a variety of hobbies that I have a pretty wide variety. During the summer, texts and images will be included in a garden and flowers. Poem container must complement the story of the house dealer stories. A variety of fairy tales, aut stories aut and dreams I write in the future there side. My photographs can be found in Alfheim blog as before.
The next story I am writing in a lush Ostrobothnia dialect, a dialect of the unknown may have trouble understanding the words. I shall gladly reply to questions in the comment section dialect words.
This suamen summer is just parahultaasta time kaikenmoosten ulakoilima to keep the events. Here, the province aut is Viala näinäkin days tend to have spiritual tilaasuuksia maalaastalojen isoos pihoos. Last sunnuntakina juhulat järjestettihi Issakaase pihapiiris. Among the muarostuuki loppuje lopuks melako värikkähät clubs. Viihryttihin just loppuhun, even if the pastor was a novel, ulakopaikkakuntalaanen, which speaks so ourosti and nupajaa piänellä aut voice.
Oltihin it for a while listened aut to spiritual message, aut such Issakaasen host came ylivoimaaseks lumbered to stay peläkkänä listener. He took puheenvuaron between the pastor pumiloonnin. Issakaanen likes it very much his own vote and as such is always miälesnääsä semmoosia large asioota, jokka will seek out väkisellää. Ittiänsä aut and his message tehostaakseesa tryykäs prunnin deck. Justihi such soli pääsny parahultaasehen vauhtihin, shook his fists and kept screaming "I do not think it No wax chuck pohojalla" rotten prunnin with prutkahti rauskooksi big miähen weight. Paukkehen hard and trysköön aut kaas it went Issakaanen alaha, was not part of loiskahrusta, require an abominable mäjährys, you oliki aiva hiljaasta. Kualiko it? someone cried out.
Pastor tryykäs the roof of the stomach prunnihin, samas pig alakoo part of the stomach kirvaamine the wicked and abominable jäläkehen porajamine, Jalaka was reportedly just gone karaviteehi. It did not have the ears to hear mialuusta, härissnäänsä pastor eherotti in order to laulettaas YHYRES hymns, such as the time was looking aut for tikkahia rest of the people, in order to saataas Issakaanen yos. But it does not Issakaaselle agreed Sillaku is that glaustrofoobia, peläkää so maharottomasti piäniä places. You tack weld the virrenveisuhun during the life of your body to escape, and not hearkened unto knows up.
So it was decided to notta Issakaanen laulaas and you to listen to, it miällytti Issakaasta maharottomasti aut and forgot porajamiseesa. Many a song before it had a chance to go a little harkkoomalla nuatinviärestä, ennenku saatihi to help stimulate the local. aut These jäläkihinpäin is melako maharotoonta sanua, which one of the notta was karmiampaa translucent kirvaamine and crying, aut or the singing. aut Tikkahia was not found, was yes yhyret ulukorarin the wall, but the ethanol aut already valamihiks trauskoona. Found items oikee rope semmoosta thick pQuality. Koistine either had thought aikoonansa seas, intaantuu multiplying the stomach and exciting merimuistelua esitelmöömähän merimiässolamuusta. They'd be handy maharottoman köyress, they sais pitua ylösnousuhu. I almost forgot the Issakaanen aiva kokonaasa. Luckily wicked äännähtelyt prunnista, kantauu another uproar over and reminded miälehen the main thing.
Alootettihin varsinaanen rescue operation, which osootautuukin melakoosen vaikiaksi, Issakaanen was such a big miäs and the other Jalaka ny karaviteess. Knuuttilanraitti host is triuska and risk kropaltaasa, soliki you mainly led by köyrenpääss. Managed to appear in the troiskehess already valamihiksi little ohkaaset and patched pyhäverhat repiämähä my ass for the whole skin. Is revealed piretyt aluukalasongit would stay there again, jokkoli already usiampahan otteehin käänetty oikiaa and nurijaa side vaihrellen between washes. It will save you a lot melakoosen large vaattehien huaolto kustannuksiss.
A wise man was älynny rytäkän aut slash in the middle of the scene of professionalism lääkintäväkiä. aut Just to such Issakaasen punaanen pain, distorted mug you get to päivävaloho, alakoo belong to wail and opened the heavenly world melakoone fuss. Akkoje pyhätanttujen helamat korvihin rise up, such pelastuhelikopteri descended komiasti läheeselle pellollen and samas kaahass koivukujaa local ambulance pihahan.
This is all the excitement was all too much Ahalaasen's wife, he started such haromahan breasts, as well as spirits and came crashing badly haukkoomahan tiarottomana tantereehin. Was the wife of the pump in time to the more severely oireellu. Sitoli viäty usiampahan otteehin jumalatoonta Haipakka. The hospital is yes've been received quite a problem with any kind of torettua syrämmen puales. Always soli strangely prökeenpyny, such Komiat lääkintämiähet was briefly käpäälly. Viimeestänsä you soli viroonnu, such ruaka or k

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