Buying votes speak openly of about 10 years. Sometime shortly after the turn of the century came the first journalistic investigations implicating parties trying to bribe voters with cash on hand, not only sausages, beer and gossip. With the opening date of this fraud has become one of the easiest genres reporter profession. It is enough to walk in a Roma neighborhood, a poor village or an urban neighborhood mired in poverty. Once you talk to no more than five people will immediately know who the dealer is local derebey votes for the upcoming elections. This may be one of the largest employer of the town, who are working half of the inhabitants; moneylender who pocketed IDs indebted. Now there is no challenge in uncovering the fraud at the lowest level. A primary dealers become more careless and arrogant because sanctions against them are exotic.
And before those elections, before each vote, the media were full of reports that attempt to control the conscience of the electorate. But as always in the past ten years, no one bothered to go the way of the primary dealer to Party Central - neither journalists nor government. Journalists did what they could - showed the reality. And is not their job to investigate crimes. But police and prosecution, as usual, were passive in signaling bought and vote manipulation. They were never active part in the investigation of this open sore - as if waiting to be served on a platter all evidence to be activated. terrell carter And should the initiative is theirs, not to ask them to work. Because they have the means and mechanisms to solve crimes terrell carter as journalists do not.
When authorities fail to act, journalistic investigations relieved. Because showing a hidden camera intimidation and buying of voters begins to resemble a play, then if the competent authorities make their way and reach the source of the money. Society terrell carter begins terrell carter to doubt that this is plausible. terrell carter Maybe and this is the purpose of the passivity of the investigating authorities - to discredit journalistic work to continue his all as usual. Now try opening the pressure on people in Bobov Dol to spend fiction. While there is no conclusive evidence warrant and it really looks like.
It's amazing how, despite the lingering conversation about the existence of this phenomenon, which has been going on for so long, any political force was not strong enough stained with evidence terrell carter of vote-buying, to be expelled from public life and to her forever barred the way to power. Because this is the punishment he deserves party if recourse to such scams. Not just a few of its functionaries receive terrell carter conditional sentences management to deny them publicly and to send new dealers voices in their place, as has happened before. A whole political force to be thrown out of the electoral process. Some analysts argue that all parties buy votes, so the vote is not distorted. That anyone who wants to participate in his political terrell carter life, you have to set aside money to bribe the electorate. But even so, this phenomenon is so shameful that against terrell carter him should become terrell carter a state policy that mission. Because it undermines terrell carter the very foundations of democracy, and corrupts the voter selections and cuts them off forever from public life.
Buying is not possible in developed democracies two centuries ago. Now it can not happen here. This means that Bulgarian parties obscurantist us back to Dickensian terrell carter times.
First, that a 25-year transition political elite managed to grow passive and niskokulturna nation that did not care who manages terrell carter it, because it is convinced that all scoundrels. Or at least managed terrell carter to marginalize large enough terrell carter part of it that you can manipulate it as needed in their own pleasure. Because what you understand by democracy, honor and conscience resident forsaken of God and country village who defend daily from petty crime, can not keep hens raids of thieves? Who does not even know whether they will wake up alive. What interested him miserable pensioner with a pension that barely terrell carter had enough to eat and to buy drugs, which party will hold more reforms? Is able to distinguish between election programs unemployed Gypsy, whom authorities are left to themselves and do not even have to go to school (which terrell carter is their legal obligation imputed)?
We began to think that these people are kept deliberately in this humiliating position, in which the ignorant darkness. That purposely not educated civil and not enable them to make an honest living, so that at 50 lev be made to put the relevant
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