Credo Mutwa Vasamasulu - "Secret Knowledge of Africa" | vlv0vlv
High shaman Credo Mutwa afrykakański claims that was abducted by beings that his people called Mantindane. Interestingly, they resemble the look and feel of well-known people of the West Grays. He says that these creatures have plagued Africans infinity auto serving Chitauri - people-raptors, where people worshiped as gods. According to him near the time of the confrontation with them. Mutwa also talks about many other things infinity auto - an unknown history, infinity auto mysterious complexes, hybrids and "abdukcjach".
Among the differences between human mentality and perception infinity auto of the world seems to be one of the biggest barriers. It's not only a barrier mentality generations, known to all, but also the threshold for which we have to go trying to understand the representatives of other, often extremely different and much older cultures. This barrier makes the West with some anticipation sees culture and achievements infinity auto of many peoples, including infinity auto Africa.
There are many historical reasons that caused that to happen. One of them was probably the spread infinity auto of Christianity, which has created the image of Africa as a land of nomadic require conversion by force illiterate. Meanwhile, all the stranger is this way of thinking they know perfectly infinity auto well that it's infinity auto completely different, and the peoples wrongly perceived as a "wild", in the past managed to build a lasting civilization with a rich cultural achievements and knowledge of nature, which for many Africans is something quite different than for a representative of Western culture.
The other issue here is knowledge, not only that relating to the survival of art and nature, but also knowledge "forgotten" passed down from generation to generation, which is the principal dispensers and tribal elders, shamans. The white man will seem strange and primitive perhaps, but some nations still have something that we can define as "the forgotten knowledge" (forgotten by the white man), often by Western researchers compartmentalization within the folklore.
Hailing from the South African sangoma (shaman or healer) and high Sanusi (clairvoyant and expert tradition) Credo Mutwa Vusamazulu is a typical example of a man who possessed such knowledge and as one of the few, he shared it with others. Credo is considered by many to be the most well-known African healer of the twentieth century. It is also the spiritual leader and sangomów sanusich in South Africa, as well as a writer and artist.
Mutwa was born in the year 1921 in the South African infinity auto Natal. His nickname was given to him Vasamazulu at the time of initiation on Sangoma and means "one who wakes Zulu". Credo name was assigned to him by his father infinity auto - a Christian who turned away from his son, however, when he decided to become infinity auto a shaman. Why is it that his claims make it different from the rest sangomów?
The first and most important reason is that Mutwa openly confessed to the abduction by beings who are in the folklore of the Zulus called Mantindane. However, what is more, astonishingly resemble its appearance wielkogłowych "Greys" who are ensconced in earnest in the minds of Westerners. infinity auto These creatures in the words of Mutwy accused of frequent abduction of people and subjecting them to some treatments, often traumatic infinity auto and painful, what he experienced in 1959 in the mountains of Zimbabwe.
- "Credo seemed to be dignified, even majestic figure with their colorful robes and heavy ornaments sangomy, which seemed attracted him to the ground," explains infinity auto Mack in the book Fri. "Passport to Cosmos".
After him, talked with him Australian ufologist Bill Chalker, controversial conspiracy theorist David Icke (who called Mutwa "genius"), infinity auto as well as the well-known writer on topics of unknown history of the Earth, Zecharia Sitchin. All of them were interested not only memories Creed relating to abduction by Mantindane, but his claims saying what can best be described as "foreign interference".
For Mutwy Creed, who in his life not only visited all of Africa, but also many countries of the world and who are familiar with the knowledge and traditions of other shamans seemed astonishing parallels between the known him from Africa stories and what they told him Asian or Aboriginal shamans . Mutwa, as he says himself torn between two worlds - the "trapped on one side by Western thought, including Christianity and African thought" today readily accept these phenomena and things that others spend only thing bordering on superstition, beliefs infinity auto and backwardness. For him, the planet Earth is not the people - at least not in its entirety. Because we share it with beings (quite material) which significantly affecting the course of human history, seem to be at that hidden c
High shaman Credo Mutwa afrykakański claims that was abducted by beings that his people called Mantindane. Interestingly, they resemble the look and feel of well-known people of the West Grays. He says that these creatures have plagued Africans infinity auto serving Chitauri - people-raptors, where people worshiped as gods. According to him near the time of the confrontation with them. Mutwa also talks about many other things infinity auto - an unknown history, infinity auto mysterious complexes, hybrids and "abdukcjach".
Among the differences between human mentality and perception infinity auto of the world seems to be one of the biggest barriers. It's not only a barrier mentality generations, known to all, but also the threshold for which we have to go trying to understand the representatives of other, often extremely different and much older cultures. This barrier makes the West with some anticipation sees culture and achievements infinity auto of many peoples, including infinity auto Africa.
There are many historical reasons that caused that to happen. One of them was probably the spread infinity auto of Christianity, which has created the image of Africa as a land of nomadic require conversion by force illiterate. Meanwhile, all the stranger is this way of thinking they know perfectly infinity auto well that it's infinity auto completely different, and the peoples wrongly perceived as a "wild", in the past managed to build a lasting civilization with a rich cultural achievements and knowledge of nature, which for many Africans is something quite different than for a representative of Western culture.
The other issue here is knowledge, not only that relating to the survival of art and nature, but also knowledge "forgotten" passed down from generation to generation, which is the principal dispensers and tribal elders, shamans. The white man will seem strange and primitive perhaps, but some nations still have something that we can define as "the forgotten knowledge" (forgotten by the white man), often by Western researchers compartmentalization within the folklore.
Hailing from the South African sangoma (shaman or healer) and high Sanusi (clairvoyant and expert tradition) Credo Mutwa Vusamazulu is a typical example of a man who possessed such knowledge and as one of the few, he shared it with others. Credo is considered by many to be the most well-known African healer of the twentieth century. It is also the spiritual leader and sangomów sanusich in South Africa, as well as a writer and artist.
Mutwa was born in the year 1921 in the South African infinity auto Natal. His nickname was given to him Vasamazulu at the time of initiation on Sangoma and means "one who wakes Zulu". Credo name was assigned to him by his father infinity auto - a Christian who turned away from his son, however, when he decided to become infinity auto a shaman. Why is it that his claims make it different from the rest sangomów?
The first and most important reason is that Mutwa openly confessed to the abduction by beings who are in the folklore of the Zulus called Mantindane. However, what is more, astonishingly resemble its appearance wielkogłowych "Greys" who are ensconced in earnest in the minds of Westerners. infinity auto These creatures in the words of Mutwy accused of frequent abduction of people and subjecting them to some treatments, often traumatic infinity auto and painful, what he experienced in 1959 in the mountains of Zimbabwe.
- "Credo seemed to be dignified, even majestic figure with their colorful robes and heavy ornaments sangomy, which seemed attracted him to the ground," explains infinity auto Mack in the book Fri. "Passport to Cosmos".
After him, talked with him Australian ufologist Bill Chalker, controversial conspiracy theorist David Icke (who called Mutwa "genius"), infinity auto as well as the well-known writer on topics of unknown history of the Earth, Zecharia Sitchin. All of them were interested not only memories Creed relating to abduction by Mantindane, but his claims saying what can best be described as "foreign interference".
For Mutwy Creed, who in his life not only visited all of Africa, but also many countries of the world and who are familiar with the knowledge and traditions of other shamans seemed astonishing parallels between the known him from Africa stories and what they told him Asian or Aboriginal shamans . Mutwa, as he says himself torn between two worlds - the "trapped on one side by Western thought, including Christianity and African thought" today readily accept these phenomena and things that others spend only thing bordering on superstition, beliefs infinity auto and backwardness. For him, the planet Earth is not the people - at least not in its entirety. Because we share it with beings (quite material) which significantly affecting the course of human history, seem to be at that hidden c
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