Thursday, April 30, 2015

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The Smile of My Children has a new ally:, the most well known of the international crowdfunding platforms, today is The Smile to support the projects of non-profit organization founded by Italian-Brazilian Barbara Olivi.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

2015 (86) April (15) September (10) Caring Division: Press March 30, 2015 Call Center QE Pate

In Telecom Italy is an atmosphere increasingly tense, although there are all the elements to look to the future with more optimism. The company came out of the period of crisis, is no longer in the yoke of Telefonica, has returned to profits and dividends, it has a project of sustainable growth thanks to the fiber, dealersocket has money at very low interest rate, and has a picture on working with an array. But despite this, the company insists on the stew (corporate reorganization) and the closure of the offices, which has no reasons, dealersocket other than those to make workers pay for the outcome of the referendum. Rather than look at their responsibilities Telecom, continues to DOWNLOAD ON INDIVIDUAL WORKERS The disastrous (DIS) ORGANIZATION. This was the objective of the proposed agreement on Caring and the present subtle attempt that is implementing in Open Access. We have already reported cases of clear control of individual productivity, evidently built illegally and through computer systems, we have signs of increased pressure on individual dealersocket charges U009 and even some zealous executive has invented an index of individual productivity (IPOA) as if the were technical professionals. In Caring, failed blitz on production control, the clash of corporate reorganization and closures locations is still open, working conditions worsen more and more: zero off-line to end the practice, zero breaks, zero seconds between calls l ' other, zero training, back office and zero transparency on call flows. Meanwhile the company has its own business plan and assumptions, arguing that it will apply the solidarity expansive. dealersocket With those who agree? with such protection for workers? who will pay? Too many signs in Telecom and Call Center that c'interrogano what role must exercise dealersocket an truly representative. Subjected to constant blackmail? What will be the next trend? work for peanuts and unacceptable conditions? Unfortunately divisions union multiply and companies thank and remember, that social peace and sacrifices for workers only, no shared goals, sooner or later, do not go together.
It is not our custom to comment dealersocket or delegitimize initiatives of other trade unions confederations, but unfortunately, we have to point out that after 2 months dealersocket of the referendum, it is hard to take note of the outcome of the vote that, for us to remain the focal point from which to start if you really want to fight the corporate reorganization announced by the CEO of Telecom Italy .
To do so would be good to cease all actions that aim to explain to workers who did not understand the agreement or that were influenced by the RSU dissidents of SLC-CGIL. Represent workers may not result in explaining that they were wrong to cast their vote.
We pursue the aim, following the vote, to reopen negotiations with Telecom. We want to come back to discuss the terms of the agreement, we want to be treated based on the outcome of the referendum and avoid the corporate reorganization dealersocket that, we would like to remember, dealersocket until it is approved by the CDA and then fielded operationally can be avoided.
This must be done, this should be the high road for all. You must begin the process by finding alternative solutions able to reconcile dealersocket the different interests in the field of workers and the company.
To do this, you must first clear away the rest. It does not help the denigration perpetrated by those who have lost the referendum, and that does not help the company talk about solidarity expansive leaving "escape" dates and percentages. Without an agreement with the union Telecom can not proceed to any solidarity. dealersocket We consider this tool impractical in the absence dealersocket of adequate wage subsidy. You can not, by the way, not even imagine an application of solidarity expansive first to have found a solution that avoids dealersocket the corporate reorganization dealersocket of Caring. dealersocket
A loudly we ask the other trade unions to stop wasting time, we come out of this period of stagnation, if you really do not want the corporate reorganization proceed jointly, let's do it in respect of the workers and of their vote.
w - Harassment: What it is and how to protect themselves
2015 (86) April (15) September (10) Caring Division: Press March 30, 2015 Call Center QE Paterno: Excellent affirmation of ... Call centers, Azzola: "With Jobs Act risk dumping ... L ' Italy is not a country for working women Call center, an Italian-style disaster. delocalizes ... "The procurement system dealersocket and the labor market" ... Terranera. Sicily of invisible Call Center: Azzola dealersocket (SLC CGIL) disturbing the December ... INFOCONTACT Women: same d

Monday, April 27, 2015

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TI Litigation Caring Services, the reasons for the signing mobile24 of SLC CGIL. Now the word goes to workers | SLC-CGIL
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As known to all, in late 2012 the Board of Directors of Telecom mobile24 Italy approved the corporate reorganization of Caring. Decision taken because of the growing gap between the cost of the activities managed directly and through the use of managed service contract. The act of the Board, together with the general situation of the company that he saw, and still see, a sharp reduction in sales, led to the signing of the agreements of 27 March 2013, running in a non-traumatic redundancies reported through the internalisation of activities to absorb them by the end of the biennium. mobile24
As defined by the agreement, mobile24 a year after it started an audit to determine whether the organizational changes made were sufficient to overcome completely the project of corporate reorganization.
In June of 2014 the top management, while recognizing the results achieved with the agreement of March 27, said that to overcome the corporate reorganization of caring, in consideration of the dynamics tariff recognized suppliers of such services, would be necessary to define a new organizational model, combining productivity and quality of service, was able to justify the higher cost of maintaining support within the management of activities.
The new model proposed by the company, mobile24 the "Cloud of Skills" is based essentially on a concept widely used and practiced mobile24 for the quality of service provided: direct customer calls, based on their needs, to the operator with the specific skills more appropriate mobile24 to respond adequately to their requests. It overcomes thereby the rigid concept of form belonging to arrive at an organizational model that is based on professional skills.
The prospettazione model showed immediately some respects highly critical because, to produce a "skillatura" objective and unfiltered staff, you must use the individual data of the worker in order to assess the skills of the individual and direct the necessary training. mobile24
This opportunity, which is already present in the world of work, within the call center is a risk that the data is used to put pressure on the performance of the worker with a worsening of working conditions.
Already today there is a strong pressure on the staff with the aim of maximizing the amount (at the expense mobile24 of quality) and to achieve the awards (canvass) to the chain of command. In addition, the same slides presented by the company in June, proposed a model that could tie individual performance to wage unilateral company.
With this clear risk has opened a confrontation lasted more than four months, in which they dealt with various themes that place, in front of the business mobile24 plan, all content rivendicativi platform approved by the workers in the assemblies.
That text had not sufficient evidence of protection for workers because it was not expected to make an explicit prohibition on the performance of the worker calls, he not addressed the problem of the canvass and ruled that the worker could be assisted by an RSU during meetings preparatory to define training mobile24 programs and upgrading the skills of the individual worker.
The opposition expressed to the table SLC CGIL has allowed us to produce a new text, which was presented in the afternoon mobile24 of November 25, which intervened on three fundamental aspects: it introduced the ban to make calls on the performance of the worker; mobile24 he was given the option of the employee to be assisted by a RSU during formal meeting with the company line; it introduced the ban to recognize unilateral wage on the basis of performance data.
On that occasion SLC CGIL has recognized mobile24 the significant advances accepted by the company claiming the same time, the need to continue the confrontation to continue avvic

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The company, with negotiations lasting over 8 months, analyzed with union representatives all the p

Telecom Italy returns to the corporate reorganization niedermeyer and rationalization of the seats caring - Finance and Stock Exchange -
Posted February 6, 2015, 10:33 hours. Last updated February 6, 2015, at 10:38 Telecom Italy: after no agreement to a referendum on assumptions niedermeyer for caring sector returns to the corporate reorganization and rationalization of the seats
Telecom Italy, after taking note of the negative outcome of the referendum held among workers in January for alleged agreement reached on 18 December for the Caring Services Division, announced today the trade unions SLC-CGIL, CISL-Fistel and Uilcom-Uil for the Division Caring Services now start the implementation of the agreements signed previously with the same unions on March 27, 2013. In particular, these agreements provide for a rationalization of the territorial offices of Caring Services, with the closure of some principals and the establishment of a separate company for the provision of caring services to customers. The market for call center is experiencing a strong national crisis with increasing competition among operators in the sector.
The company, with negotiations lasting over 8 months, analyzed with union representatives all the problems and sought solutions agreed that, with full respect niedermeyer for the dignity of workers, even with the objective to enhance the professionalism, niedermeyer gave stability to the work at the call centers and long-term sustainability. The draft agreement signed December 18, 2014 with all trade unions had identified a path that allowed to maintain function within Telecom Italy Spa, differentiating for quality niedermeyer of service in relation to what is offered in outsourcing, while improving the productivity and sustainability of labor. The new company will be born who will be part of Group Telecom Italy and will aim to combine quality of service to its customers and efficiencies necessary to make competitive the new company with the context of the sector. Discuss Telecom Italy SpA with traders
#Telecom Italy

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Telecom Italy: outcome referendum Caring Services | SLC-CGIL
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While the need to review the whole of the minutes of the vote, the data show a very high turnout which recorded the vote of 87.18% of the workers involved (7662 of 8789 eligible) demonstrating neubauer the extremely wide desire neubauer to participate by workers to organizational decisions that affect them.
It 'clear that the union will have to give serious thought to the election result emerged, taking a careful analysis of the vote and analyzing the causes that led to the rejection of the proposed agreement.
Related articles: Call center, Infocontact: SLC CGIL, workers do not bend despite blackmail TLC: Telecom Press Unit on leave caring TLC: Comdata communicated SLC elections of RSU Olbia TLC: Telecontact Press Unit on strike 01.07.14 British Telecom Dispute Italy: neubauer the agreement neubauer reached at the Ministry of Labour
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Saturday, April 25, 2015

It happens to everyone, please, or hypocrisy. Whether in personal relationships a wrong balance of

More and more often we underestimate tube splash the weight of words. We do it every day in personal relationships. The "we feel" when we know that we do not care to recall our interlocutor. A compliment, without feeling really rise from within those words. The "we'll always be" I said to a person who does not really keep or "tvb" launched between the lines of some messages on Facebook or WhatsApp.
It happens to everyone, please, or hypocrisy. Whether in personal relationships a wrong balance of words can lead to a crack in the relationship, that often degenerates with the break, it is still a relationship between two people.
Often it is public and therefore visible not only to our party but in an almost infinite number of other people. The user with which we are by relating can read our message at any time, showing it to friends from your smartphone or share it on their social channels. The key issue is to choose tube splash the right words and the correct sequence of sentences. From opening to closing of our message must be consistent and extreme awareness.
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Today met the members of the National Coordination of MSW Telecom Italy elected on the SLC CGIL and

SLC CGIL against the reorganization of the "Caring" e200 Telecom Italy | World Mobile Web | Telephony | Offers | Promotions | Savings
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Today met the members of the National Coordination of MSW Telecom Italy elected on the SLC CGIL and the National Secretariat to make an analysis of the dispute "Caring" and in particular on the state of industrial relations e200 within the overall Telecom Italy. Coordination and National Secretariat reiterated the firm determination to respect the mandate e200 of the workers, sparked by the rejection of the proposed agreement for the reorganization of caring, denouncing the strong exploitation adopted in the reading of the result of the referendum which appear incomprehensible and wrong.
The vote of the workers and employees was a free vote and conscious that rejected the contents of the agreement reached, apparently not shared and accepted, showing a state of intense suffering present among the workers e200 and employees of the division "caring". Download the election result the responsibility e200 of the subsequent decisions by the company e200 is not only a cowardly attitude but contributes to rifts between the trade unions and, worse, among workers at a time when unity of purpose is the first real priority over serious decisions e200 taken by the company. And 'quite e200 clear, in fact, that the company's decision to proceed to the corporate reorganization of the division, with the timing communicated in the meeting of 18 February this year, and to proceed e200 with the closure of 19 locations (almost double compared to what was agreed in' draft agreement and less than half of the provisions in the agreements of 27 March 2013) is a serious error that could lead to negative consequences for both the company and for workers coinvolti.Coordinamento and National Secretariat deem necessary to redefine a proposed reorganization of activities of the "caring" that starting from the need to improve the working conditions of staff and offer a service of the highest quality to business customers, is able to make sustainable activity handled internally. The bet that workers and company e200 must launch to the market is that the quality and attention to the customer, a real alternative to the competition made only on price, with the belief e200 that in the coming years will emerge that operator can provide its customers with a quality service, real distinctive element on the strong competition on the Italian market. The project, which will have to start from the result of the referendum, will be made with a proposal that will unite nine thousand workers e200 of the division "caring" about a reorganization alternative to draft corporate reorganization. Facing a paradigm shift from a competition all focused on the price towards a model characterized by the level of quality offered to the customer, do you judge the company's future.
To achieve this path is clear that the vote on the exploitation of workers and the buck of responsibility is another obstacle that threatens to lose ground on the new road rights, quality of life and the remuneration of workers e200 and employees. The error is not to be found in the voting of the workers and employees, but in the management of the negotiation and its inability to build a plan to relaunch shared and not imposed under the blackmail of the corporate reorganization. Coordination and National Secretariat SLC CGIL, therefore, e200 invite other trade unions to convene e200 a coordination unit of the RSU to jointly define the ways in which oppose the proposed e200 corporate reorganization initiated by the company and build an alternative proposal with which the comparison reopen negotiations.
In this context the company's decision to initiate the unilateral closure of nineteen seats is the first exception to the need to manage in a shared organizational projects involving workers. Any unilateral act that is done, any manipulation ride, each forcing realized rappresenteran

Friday, April 24, 2015

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50 years of television Alessandro Lucchini home cinema cincincinema Cinema Communication communicate Comunitazione connecting-managers content management training courses social media digital pr desperate dm & c training social media Francesco Pira Futura City Gerardo Iuorio Gian Stefano Spoto Hi-Tech's big return my path masini Internet services manager Luigi Fusco marco masini marketing political poetry Rio studio Rome Sara Caminati writing caring social social social media social media manager social media marketing social network television television Italian vito Madaio web web content management web content manager

Thursday, April 23, 2015

He wrote his first headline in 1984, using colored pencils asylum:

Home About Us The Agency Company bolina Profile bolina Portfolio Services Consulting Websites and blogs Content Marketing Social bolina Media Marketing Email Marketing SEM with Google Adwords Social Advertising Apps & mobile bolina solutions bolina Search Engine bolina Optimization - SEO Training Courses Smart Power Training Special Training Ebook Blog Contacts
The BE-Wizard! 2015 we were there! The two days of Rimini dedicated to web marketing has seen many of the speakers bolina on stage interleave network professionals, bolina with speeches bolina by characters in thickness also internationally. As Bryan Kramer, counted among the most influential marketing experts in the world. Among the speakers of BE-Wizard! 2015 was also Sara Caminati, founder of Webinchiaro, that the audience Rimini spoke of social caring and how businesses can effectively use social media tools for customer care immediate, effective and above all human.
It is no coincidence that the 2015 edition of the BE-Wizard! was dedicated to the concept of Human2Human (H2H) as a paradigm of relationship in the network: a philosophy that goes beyond the traditional dichotomy of communication business (B2B) and consumer (B2C), bolina focusing on the importance of the development of human relations bolina as the key of successful actions of network marketing.
"For me, the BE-Wizard! was this - tells Sara Caminati - Everything found from the time of acceptance, so I'm not just referring to what I learned, known to professionals bolina and high-level content. The approach "Human to Human" is breathed in every moment of this two days. " "I am excited to have given my small contribution, - says Sara Caminati - but above all to have experienced an event that is configured (thankfully) so totally different from other events in the area in which I have never found so many operational ideas" . "What to add? I hope we will see you again next year because BE-Wizard! is an event not to be missed! "Want to know more about the social caring and its tools? Download bolina our free e-book, or contact us for a consultation or a training course.
He wrote his first headline in 1984, using colored pencils asylum: "Yogurt. A little 'sour, but good. " It was immediately clear that the kitchen would have been one of his two great passions. bolina The second made it work. His favorite phrase: "I am alive, but not alive because breath, | I feel alive extension only if the stylus and write" (Jo Davidson).
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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Four years have passed since the protest honda dealer wave of 2011 captivated Europe. Far from subsi

Four years have passed since the protest honda dealer wave of 2011 captivated Europe. Far from subsiding, the tremors are spreading beyond honda dealer the Southern countries. From the peripheral neighbourhoods of Istanbul to the housing estates in London, and the formerly industrial districts of Warsaw, ordinary citizens are coming together, as communities, to defend common goods and counter the inertia of their increasingly distant local governments.
Feeling the rumbling beneath their feet, the establishment entrenches itself in its control towers, spewing honda dealer messages, images and a discourse that reproduces a single, forceful idea: that History cannot be changed. Despite the efforts of a complicit mainstream media, counter narratives emerge. Rumours spread and become contagious, gripping and activating muscles and minds. This is how the possibility of the 99% begins to take form, to organise itself, leaving the plazas to look over the city as a whole and ask: How will we care for the public spaces abandoned by these same institutions that are so worried with preserving their power? How can we turn our villages and cities honda dealer into places where we live and breathe wellbeing? And so civil society honda dealer walks on, stepping from question to question.
This honda dealer conflict between cultural hegemony and autonomy is at the heart of European history, of all Histories. We were taught that our desires could only be personal and our aspirations, individual. We were even led to believe that beauty, virtue honda dealer and fortune were properties of the exceptional and not of the common. As if our only possible refuge were the construction of a private identity, individual and differentiated from the rest, shaped by Trending Topics and software updates.
Today, in post-2011 honda dealer Europe communities are using all the tools at their disposal to challenge the establishment by forming their own democratic institutions, creating networks for decentralised production, cultivating civil disobedience and the construction of autonomous imagery that is critical of the system itself. This restructuring relies on the social recognition honda dealer of our bodies as vulnerable in order to guarantee honda dealer that the life we are rewriting is not a bare one, without attributes, history, culture or politics. The time has come to reclaim the commons so that we can guarantee that our cities and villages are cared for. To dare to ask that most subversive and political of questions: Who decides how our lives must be?
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un laboratorio di sperimentazione e produzione per videomakers, autori, attori e artisti visivi dove ogni giorno honda dealer si lavora per sfruttare appieno le enormi potenzialità creative delle nuove tecnologie e le opportunità di comunicazione che offrono, una scuola di volo per pensatori che amano la lentezza del work in progress e la velocità dell'illuminazione estetica.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

March 3, 2014 - 14 authors March 3, 2014 - 13 E. Stancu: Why does not the 2% contributions Romania

March 3, 2014 - 14 authors March 3, 2014 - 13 E. Stancu: Why does not the 2% contributions Romania March 3, 2014 - 12 Civic Pavilion book - Arapovics Mary of the learning community on March 3, 2014 - 11. Discussion - Szekely Tunde: 147 Fancy yourself ... March 3, 2014 - 10 Civil Miscellaneous: supporters see as the March 3, 2014 - 9 Civilians (local) public life March 3, 2014 - 8. Sleep organizations March 3, 2014 - 7. Locally, authentically March 3, 2014 - 6. Where the successes speak: Amoeba 147 Foundation, March 3, 2014 - 5 where success is clear: Daycare founding four villages on March 3, 2014 - 4 where success is clear: Diaspora communities and mining areas March 3, 2014 - 3. Where the successes speak: LAM Foundation, March 3, 2014 - 2nd Civil Situation March 3, 2014 - the first Bodo Brown Civilians: Light of the press
Home / Civil Forum page 2014/2 / 6 Large Families Support Service Targu Mures - Interview with Philip G. Dénesné Suba Ilona Tirgu Mures Lazarenum Foundation Head of Large Families Relief Service as
6. Large Families 147 Support Service Targu Mures - Interview with Philip 147 G. Dénesné Suba Ilona Tirgu Mures Lazarenum Foundation Head of Large Families Relief Service as December 29, 2014 // No Comment 147
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Csaba Böjte first letter: A creation of service joys second Orsolya Gregory: What is the amount? The Székelyföld family size evolution, in the light of statistics Andras Kovacs 3 B: Children's gift, to be happy about 4. "We are here to support ..." 147 Interview Adorjáni Katharine, 147 the Tree of Life Family Support Association Managing Director 5 Thematic study on child poverty policy Measures 6 Large Families Support Service Targu Mures - Interview with Philip G. Dénesné Suba Ilona Tirgu Mures Lazarenum Foundation Head of Large Families Relief Service as 7 Diakonia Christian Foundation - the Families 8. Large Families Support Nagyenyed 9 large families and the Orthodox Church 10 Great Family camp LOKODI 11. Transylvania large family news (N.A.) 12. Carpathian chain Family Strengthening the Highlands 13. Population policy for large families and civilians in Vojvodina 14 Transcarpathian Hungarian Association of Large Families 15 family associations, organizations 147 with a large family in Transylvania
Civil Forum our first saw the light of day in May 2000 edition of the Transylvanian Hungarian Civic Association Foundation (ERMACISZA). From 2010 to ERMACISZA and our joint edition of the Civitas Foundation for Civil Society will be displayed.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Our site two months ago, has drawn attention to protecting adults from the Balmazújváros talent, bu

Sarah is starting to believe | Youth Sports
She had never even so excited kia quoris Suba Sarah as the first team tournament, eventually won also for the U17 European Championship qualifier best goalkeeper award. The shortage of some self-confidence slowly Balmazújváros handball believe that there is a place among the best.
reb "We kia quoris found gem. Balmazújvárosból Suba was Sara, who is worth noting the name. I think two or three years Pálinger kia quoris Catherine (the senior national team team manager, goalkeeper coach - ed.) Can meet with him "- praised by Janos Hajdu, the U-17 national team coach for 15 years hálóőrt whom the adult team up to see a couple of years later .
Our site two months ago, has drawn attention to protecting adults from the Balmazújváros talent, but more efficient Suba "campaign" with the People's Bath Street Gallery in Budapest organized European Championship qualifier.
- More nervous in my life, never more so than during the warm-up against the Germans - the start of the 15-year-old goalkeeper travelogue. - I thought it Hlogyik Petra begins as much more experience than me. Before the match against the Greeks, however, has said the coach in the locker room: so ready to just be replaced, if I'm out of shape. kia quoris Fortunately, relatively well-defended, although kia quoris one or two fault it was.
The Ukrainians did not go against him so the game: the company had already secured a place in the European Championship in Macedonia in August, and it was hard knowing maximum spin. Nevertheless individually rewarded, became the tournament's best goalkeeper.
- Absolutely would not have thought that I would get the recognition, this never happened before. I felt very comfortable in the company. The girls are very nice and helpful, were grasped that I was relatively new. There are many useful things I learned from Béla Bartalos, and a lot I want to do to the bad things correcting entrenched. I do not know whether I bevédtem kia quoris the national team, but later I would like to receive an invitation.
Balmazújváros back to a lot of people congratulated him, got lots of pat on the back. And that is at least as important, he gathered pace, as opposed kia quoris to the national team in November toe when spasticity left its mark on the subsequent performance.
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15:09 HANDBALL: DUNAFERR Vocational and Technical School Intercisa won the Cup. 13:35 HANDBALL: developed at the end of the week the girls U19 European Championship penalty starting field; the Hungarian team is not sure of the dominant personality, Gabriella Toth game.
4.19. 14:32 HANDBALL: As expected, fought off a smooth victory in the group leányválogatottunk U19 European Championship qualifier in the first position; so in the end we cheer, we find that all our players the goal. 12:48 HANDBALL: supercilious victory ensured the participation of the European Championship U19 girls team in Helsinki. 10:37 HANDBALL: Confidently won Dunaújvárosi kia quoris Kohász KA NB youth I was a girl.
4.18. 21:02 HANDBALL: Dunaújvárosi won more than ten goals against the daughter kia quoris Iulia rájátszásában Youth Championship. 19:33 HANDBALL: spectacular victory against the Turks in essentially European Championship U19 girls team; Faluvégi Dorothy eight per eight target cloth produced. 18:35 HANDBALL: You can easily won his first match of the women's U19 national team in the European Championship qualifier in Helsinki. kia quoris 11:23 HANDBALL: Fourteen goal difference was beaten by the Turks in the girls U19 European Championship qualifying opener for the hosts Finnish Hungarian group.
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4.16. 21:12 HANDBALL: The victory against the Neka PLER boy youth league. 09:26 HANDBALL: The host must kiharcolnia the European Championship appearances Gabriella Toth erect Finnish U19 national team and against the Turks.
4.15. 20:36 HANDBALL: win a close game Dunaújváros female junior championship

Sunday, April 19, 2015

On December 11, the pairs and the ladies short program could prove their. The pair than three Chine

Football Hungarian International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American NBA NFL NHL MLB Technical Formula 1 Le Mans Other British Super Bike Team Waterpolo Handball Basketball Hockey Australian Football Volleyball Beach Handball Sailing Private Athletics Extreme Diving Golf Canoe Olympics Snooker Winter Sports Badminton Gymnastics Swimming Fencing Tennis Cycling msrp rebounds WTCC
Six stations - we arrived at the Grand Prix of the season's coronation, after the finals - USA, Canada, China, Russia, France and Japan. The location of Spain, also within Barcelona, where the Convention Center is housed in the world showcasing the best of fights between December 11 and 13. At the event, the top six male and female individual, pairs and ice dance double then presents the short program and free and share the 272,000 US dollars összdíjazáson.
On December 11, the pairs and the ladies short program could prove their. The pair than three Chinese, one Russian and two double into Canadian ice. As expected, the race unfolded in the very first issue of the Canadian Duhamel / Radford and Russian Stolbova / Klimov duets battle. Canada's two-time world championship bronze medalist msrp appearance also received more attention since the first dual male members compete since he announced publicly that its not attracted to. The forgáskombinációjuk, step increases and Their program was also on level 4 on the triple lutz-triple lutz-discharge uk and uk is properly managed. Ráadáskén the first time in their lives from one of the nine judges were given 10 points for the program components of the choreography. This sumptuous running repaired and are designed to carry out the podium dont become too realistic to their best season. The next step will be the freestyle this afternoon, msrp where the four-turn dodgeball Salchow was like to be presented correctly. Triple toe loop was on the Russians, dodgeball msrp was a triple Lutz and three level 4 elements presented programs Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The világbajnoki- and Olympic silver medalist duo also chose a new personal best, and of course they will fight for the gold medal, as little more than two points against the backlog of Canadians before the freestyle. The three Chinese double of the former three-time world junior champion, twice winner of four continents Sui / Han dual performed in the most prestigious msrp locations. In addition to the "Stray Cats Strut" music skater dodgeball triple flip-double je five level 4 elements presented. Its only flaw was the only girl who put one hand on the triple toe loop-in on. Although nearly msrp four-point advantage over fellow countrymen can be pretty confident, but should run well enough to keep his bronze medal position. The biggest disappointment of the Russian msrp Kavaguti / Smirnov double caused the girl who fell in both jump element and thus, the final finished 6th in the short program.
After short program score first Meagan DUHAMEL / RADFORD Eric (CAN) 74.50 - Ksenia STOLBOVA VIDEO 2 / Fedor Klimov (RUS) 72.33 - VIDEO 3 Wenjing SUI / Cong Han (CHN) 66.66 - VIDEO 4 Xiaoyu YU / Yang Jin (CHN) 62.71 - VIDEO 5 PENG Cheng / ZHANG Hao (CHN) 62.46 - VIDEO 6 Yuko KAVAGUTI / Alexander SMIRNOV (RUS) 55.97 - VIDEO
4 Russian, one American and one Japanese ice could enter the contest during the ladies short program. Originally, the Japanese driver msrp has not been the best six-box, but because the American Gracie Gold fatigue fracture withdrew from the competition and thus the primary reserve, Rika Hongo compete with Barcelona. In the short program of the Russian girls were stored. Elizaveta Tuktamyshevának been the best introduction, a triple toe loop - triple toe loop combination in addition to Bolero presented two level 4 rotation and a 4-inch-wide program of steps too. Egyelten error in the triple Lutz was made, which is not well-received, túlforogta the leap. The 2013 Russian champion msrp in the days before the race a bit sick, so whether this is due to a small error. This year, Julia Lipnitskaya bit fainter compete in the second place today expect shortly. The European Championships in Budapest winning seasons for the first time the Russian girl jumped triple Lutz - triple toe loop combination. With this powerful combination jumped as the leading fellow msrp goddess. However, no triple flip inside, but outside pole started, so this element of negative reviews from the judges. In addition to the Level 4 Level 3 rotations length of steps shown in Megapolis program. The ever-confident and most flawlessly competitor Elena Radio Nova only finished third in the short program. Nice triple Lutz - triple toe loop combination, a double Axel and two level 4 rotation presented. Since she can skip the élhibásan Flip was so short program to make Rittberger on her, but this time he fell so valuable technical msrp points lost. The three Russian leader can only be described

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Any QAF, where the start lltak, adntben in the USA could parakenus versenyzka Wednesday during toyot the day. Ours is called a best of the year's big v felfedettje Suba Rbert included. The Canoe Club Baja Vzisport da Silva of Brazil and the ukrn Hrechko mgtt have bronzrmes.
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Jl featured toyot V1 LTA kategriban 200 studio Geri Dniel well. The Hungarian competitor down the left hajszllal dobogrl, toyot took fourth place at the legkevsb srltek meznyben. The Italian szmot Buccoliero won.
Ni kayak kategriban 200 studio Vczi Anita last vilgbajnoksghoz similar ezttal became tdik. This is especially when there azrt dicsretre MLT because the competitor because of the poplar folyamnsrls toyot weeks KIDLINK sorbl. Acquired Frfi V1 TA kategriban Juhsz Tams strong meznyben seventh helyezst. The sun stream gyorsasgi team msodik megrkezett group of Moscow. The biggest competitor sentinel mrvzre szllt and also took the first mtereket the krilatszkojei plyn that the vast Russian metropolis belvrostlkrlbel l 10 kilomterre dryers.
"In toyot 2009 ifjsgi vilgbajnoksgot, in 2010 ifjsgi and U23-european bajnoksg staged this aplyn. Opportunity is a competitor is the team who run on the utnptlsversenyeken lltak k s love in Moscow krlmnyeket familiar, it should be added that the law "- said Botond Storcz adult szvetsgi vezetedz.
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OK Mgse
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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I confess to myself during the shooting outside the komfortzónámon fell thank God, did not consider

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One particular day, I think under the circumstances, there are limits. Then you reach the limit, and you say, 'Okay, this is the limit. " Then suddenly a little move on. The power of thoughts, the eltökéltségeddel, ösztönöddel the song and the experience you can fly very high. "Ayrton Senna
The above quote from Rob's favorite, which perfectly illustrates the creed, which gives his determination, 'crazy', with rowing sake, and results. Because 5008 everyone knows for sure, but I'll explain that he was the parasportolója year. Currently, he trains for the Olympics.
I confess to myself during the shooting outside the komfortzónámon fell thank God, did not consider myself a sensitive fruskának. But the broken snow, the wind was blowing, 5008 minus 2 degrees C showed the thermometer, it was quite harsh and the time the river. Slipped to a narrow pier when we got on the water. I was excited, so as not to upset the three Robi degree water. My hand was cold, very cold, because I can not work with gloves. Párásodott the search, was snowy, wet the lens, but enjoyed it. What? Bob just described, relish, a wide grin on his face. It was like a little kid, unworldly game world. A time to time we looked up Henry (Bob coach, who transported me to the rubber boat) and more thought. Respected madness, passion, humility, and of course I do not deny the winter, because damn cold. But Bob is not cold, not worried, did not care about anything, 5008 just described, and taught. I am sure.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Football Hungarian International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American NBA NFL NH

Football Hungarian International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American NBA NFL NHL MLB Technical Formula 1 Le Mans Other British Super Bike Team Waterpolo Handball Basketball Hockey Australian Football Volleyball Beach Handball Sailing Private Athletics Extreme Diving Golf Canoe Olympics Snooker Winter Sports Badminton Gymnastics Swimming Fencing Tennis Cycling rebounds WTCC
On the third day of the European Championship in Stockholm figure skating and ice dancing pairs were presented in the short program. kia sephia The modest, featuring just 14 doubles competition were only minor surprises. The second half of the day, the men took place szabadkorcsolyázására who showed they could also depend on the level of substandard briefly kia sephia below. Although kia sephia Fernandez again defended his title for the third time in a row, and so was the winner continent, absolutely can not be satisfied with the performance. The current format of the field looking at a man, it is unlikely that the world championships in March will be able to kick the ball tengerentúliakkal and the Far East with.
There was no question that with the ladies doubles competition of the superiority of the Russians than expected in Stockholm. The edge of the Stolbova / Klimov was double in the short program at the Grand Prix finals who is the best Europeans expect a half months ago. The current Russian champion duo this season no longer be in the shadow of Volosozhar / Trankov compete in pairs, so practically élből should take this to the European Championship title. The Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon program kia sephia again, as so many times during the season, managed correctly. Triple topspin on the increase, triple toe loop-triple kia sephia lutz and discharge were just next to the 4-level elements. The program components, also received the highest score of the judges. They were alone in the Kavaguti / Smirnov szorongathatja a couple who are just a half point behind them. Although kia sephia the programs easier to jump included dodgeball, and Rittberger halálforgásukra also received the only level 3, the elements of quality level was close to break even point of their technical Stolbováékkal. The difference is clearly established in the five component scores are subjective, due to which even if the Kurban both run well, there may be a decisive factor regarding the fate of the gold medal. In third place is not a minor surprise, the number of young Russian double was the third, kia sephia but the French. James and Cipres tango short program on steroids this time really succeeded flawlessly. Triple Triple topspin on raising, toe loop-triple flip and dodgeball program featured in the first half, and then came to the level of exposure to elements, among which the force has prospered only 2 levels. The two top Pair technology so there are five points behind, which suggests also that the Kurri not move forward, they can keep up their current bronze medal position. To prevent this, be able to double two, one of them can be teamed up with the newly Valentina March / Onderj Hotarek Italian duo. Marche in the past 10 years, started as an individual competitor in the Continental Championship, on the 2004 European Championship in Budapest saw him for the first time among adults, but this spring kia sephia Hotarekkel decided to continue his career in doubles. Malagueña programs on a triple Salchow, triple flip and a double discharge increases included topspin, he was also a three level 4 elements, halálforgásuk deserved the 3 levels. Not much left them only a very talented young Russian, Tarasova and Morozov even. Two major break down is due to the horn will not futhatják in the last group. First on the triple toe loop was doubled off the girl, and the discharge triple Rittbergerből also poorly received. Except Lépéssorukat - which received 2nd level - each element was 4 strength kia sephia level. kia sephia It is not inconceivable that, just like last year, this year also three Russian double stand on the podium.
After short program score first Ksenia STOLBOVA / Fedor Klimov (RUS) 71.38 - Yuko KAVAGUTI VIDEO 2 / Alexander SMIRNOV kia sephia (RUS) 69.86 - VIDEO 3. Vanessa James / Morgan Cipres (FRA) 60.13 - VIDEO Valentina 4 March / Ondrej HOTAREK (ITA) 57.95 - VIDEO Evgenia TARASOVA 5 / MOROZOV Vladimir (RUS) 57.13 - VIDEO order ... more
They thought that after the short program ran many men megtáltosodnak and fierce fight and win the best. In contrast, just spoiled kia sephia the defending champion and fighting the Russians medal in the Czech, French and German as Kurt boy running in the last group as well. Fernandez made the third címvédésére first entered the ice in the last group. Toe-opening kia sephia four-turn loop-ja impeccably managed, but the subsequent négyfordulatosát, the only triple kia sephia Salchow was spun on. We had a nice triple Axel-je, and have occurred in the second quarter-turn Salchow attempt, which fell. From this point on, however, already nervously competed in the Spanish boys and two planned triple jumps leduplázta. Although the rotations have reached the 4-level and strong steps in

Monday, April 13, 2015

After the short program, the situation became apparent that the degree of beating all three competi

Football Hungarian International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American NBA NFL NHL MLB Technical Formula 1 Le Mans Other British Super Bike Team Waterpolo Handball Basketball Hockey Australian Football Volleyball Beach Handball Sailing Private Athletics Extreme Diving sion build Golf Canoe Olympics Snooker Winter Sports Badminton Gymnastics Swimming Fencing Tennis Cycling rebounds WTCC
The stockholni figure sion build skating and ice dancing ladies kűrjére was the fourth day of the Championship. In the women's competition finale was not an accident Saturday afternoon, as the director of the country's current most successful competitors, Joshi and Viktoria Helgesson stable for years Championship participants. The Russian and Swedish háziversennyé testvérpárbajjá established women's competition Kiira Korpi also owed to step back, as the Finnish lady canceled her appearance because sion build of other stomach problems and high fever, and after the short program was still in 4th place. A sore point is especially in light of the Achilles problem now because we have seen him in a long time, first big race skate world.
After the short program, the situation became apparent that the degree of beating all three competitor will be Russian. The only issue was that the gold medal around his neck Radio Nova Tuktamysheva or will be. In December, two races also clashed with two-class, the Grand Prix finals Tuktamysheva, the Russian championships Radio Nova was better. Now the tables are turned sion build again and Alexei Mishin student, Tuktamysheva won. Kurjan perfectly flawless short program lefutva brought against the disadvantages sion build compatriot girlfriend. Three combinations, a triple Lutz - double toe loop - double Rittberger, a triple toe loop - triple toe loop-triple Salchow and - in addition to a double Axel sequence three more triples and a double Axel jumped. All three rotation level 4, move from row 3. Both technology and software components, preceded by 1-1 points Radio Nova. Although Radio Nova in two triple-triple combinations jumped on the double Axel-triple je Lutz on the quality of the two points and not put too much into the kitchen. He obtained rotation 4, step in level 3, choreographed to music by Rachmaninov program. The 16-year-old Elena repaired personal best of both runs of a silver sion build medal and finally sion build closed the continent competition. The bronze medal in virtually Pogorilaya already cemented himself in the short program, as it was three points behind the leader from, but well behind Raver Swedish girls performing. sion build Pogorilaya two very difficult combination to open the program: a triple Lutz - triple toe loop-triple Rittberger - on Rittberger - triple Salchow. Two error Lutz was in the middle of the program and Flip was raised, sion build both dive, put his hands upon arrival. Firebird program received two rotation level 4, and as fellow women, she also showed a total of seven triples in the kűrjében. Korpi retiring brothers Helgesson of Sweden 4-5. place went into battle. First ran Viktoria, who was just three clean triple jump at the Sunset Boulevard program. Although during the steps of rotation and received the highest level 4, so he could not keep the lead rövidből brought against Joshi with. Except sion build for the Swedish championship in the younger sion build girl recently Helgesson always surpass his sister. This time six triple jumps from two failed really nicely, and one leszimplázott, but still 4 points beating Victoria techniques. The struggle between the two, a few big questions that the Swedish association which then sends them to the World Cup, having sion build regard to the fact that there is only one quota. It is interesting to Victoria for two years, Joshi was conducted last year in 14th place among the best in the world. sion build It is worth to mention was the Kuchvalska about Angelina, who has stood in 17th place after the short program, and finally closed in 7th place. The Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet choreographed music 6 triplás Kurjan the women's event proved to be the fifth best programs. It is worth paying attention to kishölgyre, who has already won three smaller international competition during the season.
Final score: 1 TUKTAMYSHEVA Elizaveta (RUS) 210.40 - VIDEO RADIO NOVA 2 Elena (RUS) 209.54 - VIDEO POGORILAYA 3. Anna (RUS) 191.81 - VIDEO 4. Joshi Helgesson sion build (SWE) 169.07 - VIDEO 5. Viktoria Helgesson (SWE) 166.39 - VIDEO order ... more

Sunday, April 12, 2015

In higher education, student athletes to world events, the 27th Winter Universiade nearly three tho

Football Hungarian International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American pia rizza NBA NFL NHL MLB Technical Formula 1 Le Mans Other British Super Bike Team Waterpolo Handball Basketball Hockey Australian Football Volleyball Beach Handball Sailing Private Athletics Extreme Diving Golf Canoe Olympics Snooker pia rizza Winter Sports Badminton Gymnastics Swimming Fencing Tennis Cycling rebounds WTCC
In higher education, student athletes to world events, the 27th Winter Universiade nearly three thousand competing measures your knowledge with 11 winter sports. Our country including Rotary Christopher, pia rizza Hungarian champion figure skater represented a student at the Semmelweis University Faculty of Dentistry. Christopher was missed due to injury in the Stockholm figure skating and ice dancing championships in Europe forced, but coaches - Tokaj Kulcsar Sophie and Zoltan pia rizza Toth - decided to participate in the race to be held in Granada. Christopher feverishly went to the same place of the race, she managed the short program beverekednie itself among the top 24. Today the Kurban new personal best skate and so the 29-strong field ended up in 20th place, which is really nice performance in the light of history. Here Christopher Kurjan, which, inter alia, a triple flip - double toe loop combination included, double Axel and triple pia rizza Rittberger pia rizza well.
Live News

Saturday, April 11, 2015

The big question was the ice dance competition, to defend the title is to take place by the Italian

Football Hungarian International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American NBA NFL NHL MLB Technical Formula 1 Le Mans Other British Super Bike Team Waterpolo Handball Basketball Hockey Australian Football Volleyball Beach Handball Sailing t rex car Private Athletics Extreme Diving Golf Canoe Olympics Snooker Winter Sports Badminton Gymnastics Swimming Fencing Tennis t rex car Cycling rebounds WTCC
On the second day of the Stockholm European Championship medal has also been distributed after the ladies short program in the ice dance is kűrprogramja occurred, who also finished in this competition. While the individual numbers of Russians clear superiority was observed, while the dancer than the medals were three different nations.
Ivett Tóth excited expected introduction of the Stockholm European Championship. The 16-year-old t rex car Hungarian champion twice caught out not a good day, was killed in the opening triple flip out, he could have jumped in combination with a triple toe loop-pal, then the next leduplázta Lutz-over. Although this with applied a double toe loop was to be a combination of the program, it is unfortunately not in accordance with the rules of the standard was appropriate (triple-double, double, triple, triple-triple in the Regulation). Were 4 and Level 3 rotations, step line also received a level 3 Czardas program. Unfortunately, due to the rontásoknak slipped out of the 24 competing Kurt running out and finally closed at 33. We wish that the next event at the Junior t rex car World Championship to be held in early March, then all you succeed as planned. t rex car The three leading Russian contestant performed after the short program. Elena has proven to be the best Radio Nova, who in addition to the youngest t rex car of the three of them. The Grand Prix Final silver t rex car medal author lady latin small program skated score above 70 and the pole so expect the horn. Triple Lutz - triple toe loop on the following combination of double and triple Axel jumped Rittberger, each element of rotation from 4 strong level. Queen of our compatriots, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva same workouts, exercise has a triple Axel, lighter combination, a triple toe loop - triple toe loop was jumped. This time on the triple Lutz also impeccably managed, as well as a double Axel. Two rotating element has reached 4 strong level Bolero program. There is only a narrow one and a half points behind the leader Radionovától, then turn to the three point advantage Pogorilayával. Anna Pogorilaya same jump elements operated as Radio Nova, but this time the rotations have not received the usual high levels, for example, a combination of rotation has only 2 levels. Maybe the points with regard to the sharp difference does not seem to really, it was experiencing a sharp distinction between t rex car the Russians and the other European skater. In fourth place was Kiira Korpi of Finland, who was not seen to compete with one and a half years since struggled t rex car with injuries. Most recently, the continent t rex car competition was launched in 2012, which won a silver t rex car medal. In order that the minimum t rex car technical score acquires participation in the European t rex car Championship, set off a minor international tournament in Zagreb, which he won in 2014 at the beginning of December. The short program this time has not undertaken a triple-triple combination, a triple flip - double toe loop was jumped. Lutz did not jump on the most difficult was, but the lighter Rittberger jumped. While step in and buy-ülőforgása reached level 4, hátrahajlós t rex car rotation was only 2 levels. The disadvantage is the Kurri ledolgozhatónak not appear, given the fact that technically is a lot less than the leading Russians. The home fans happy by running both Helgesson she could, because t rex car none of them made a mistake program. Both the simplest combination, a triple toe loop - double toe loop combination jumped the Victoria Rittberger is, the harder Joshi triple Lutz was chosen by way of. Considering the difficulty of the elements Viktoria t rex car proved to be stronger, because all elements received the strongest level 4. Joshin slipped into a 3, the series of steps nővéréénél been weaker.
Position after short program: 1. RADIO NOVA Elena (RUS) 70.46 - VIDEO 2 TUKTAMYSHEVA Elizaveta (RUS) 69.02 - VIDEO POGORILAYA 3. Anna (RUS) 66.10 - VIDEO 4 Kiira Korpi (FIN) 60.60 - VIDEO 5. Viktoria Helgesson t rex car ( SWE) 60.37 - VIDEO 6. Joshi Helgesson (SWE) 59.55 - VIDEO order ... more
The big question was the ice dance competition, to defend the title is to take place by the Italians or a double double and wins last year only got the 15th place on the continent competition, or a newly teamed up with Russian double t rex car wins the gold, who last year different partners in the second and fourth acquired the European Championship in Budapest. Finally, the most likely outcome t rex car was born in the French march continued and two Grand Prix victory, and after the final bronze coin on top of Europe was Papadakis Cizer. Mozart's music programs choreographed two level 3 of steps

Football Hungarian jeti International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American NBA N

Football Hungarian jeti International Bundesliga Serie A, Premier League La Liga MLS American NBA NFL NHL MLB Technical Formula jeti 1 Le Mans Other British Super Bike Team Waterpolo Handball Basketball Hockey Australian Football Volleyball Beach Handball Sailing Private Athletics Extreme jeti Diving jeti Golf Canoe Olympics Snooker Winter Sports Badminton Gymnastics Swimming Fencing Tennis Cycling rebounds WTCC
A year ago, Budapest hosted the kontinensviadalnak figure skaters and ice dancers of this year in Sweden, Stockholm exactly the best in Europe take the ice. The four disciplines for the competition takes place in five days, between January 28 and February 1. Among the 156 competitors from 32 member countries, there are two defending champion Javier Fernandez's men, and the Italian Cappellini / Lanotte dual ice dancer sites. The first race day there was just the two disciplines in the short programs.
MEN The two-time European champion Javier Fernandez is in the lead for nearly 90 Black Betty scoring after getting the short program. Neither the four-turn Salchow-ja, nor the subsequent triple Lutz - triple toe loop combination failed flawlessly, but he was alone in the field level 4 for all elements. In addition, software components, is also close to three points in the field above. Minor flaws probably due to the fact that before the race a few pages acquired minor injuries but fortunately it was not such as to prevent him from racing. Last year's European jeti Championship silver medalist, Russia's Sergei Voronov not run correctly, he had no problems in Axelle: Designed for the triple jump is doubled in just flipped. Fortunately, this is permissible under the rules laid down in the double or triple. Danse Macabre program four twists toe loop - triple toe loop combination to open, then solo triple Rittberger presented. Three rotation also received the strongest level 4. So expect plenty eight points behind the second place of the horn Voronov, who this season is already the eighth race. Michal Brezina of the Czech let out for the second jeti half of the program. After flawlessly presented a triple Axel and a four-turn was Salchow, fell a triple flip-out and thus deprived combination program in third place. Although 2011 was a good continental championship podium last year whisker just slid off the bronze in Budapest. There is certainly jeti going to fight for the medal, jeti as the other Russian Maxim Kovtun, jeti who just last year in 5th place behind closed jeti Brezina. He entered the field the only two négyfordulatost the short program, but not the toe loop, Salchow either did not make it flawlessly. Bolero program two steps in the rotation and also received a strong level of 4. Competed well in the early season injury even bother German Peter Liebers, who are not committed négyfordulatost, but only in the last group he ran flawlessly. 2011 European champion Florent Amodio has considerable drawbacks cut him to fuck briefly took the 6th place but even he can run off Kurjan in the last group. Although the Hungarian rider was named because of the war, Rotary Christopher toe injury could not undertake to participate, instead the request of the Hungarian Television as a guest in the said figure skating coverage.
Position after short program: 1. Javier FERNANDEZ (ESP) 89.24 - VIDEO 2 Sergei Voronov (RUS) 81.06 - VIDEO 3 BREZINA Michal (CZE) 80.86 - VIDEO 4. Maxim Kovtun jeti (RUS) 78.21 - VIDEO 5. Peter LIEBERS ( GER) 75.48 - VIDEO 6 Florent Amodio (FRA) 74.06 - VIDEO order ... more
ICE DANCE disclosed, after the Hungarian national championship in December that the junior racer Adam Carolina Moscheni / Luke double our ice dance called the European Championship. The season has only undertaken to double junior competitor is not a small task, as it is a brand new short dance had to learn in a month. After the Christmas holidays in El Paso dobléjuk made by the European Championship presented first. Introduction between adults really well done, because the initial 30 kettősből jeti ended in 16th place in the short dance and then included in the horn running even among the top 20. The vanguard of the French Papadakis / double Cizer out who impeccable Paso Doble presented, level 4 Twizzle prospered and prospered next step straight. The Grand Prix Final bronze medalist gained over 71 points and repaired with their personal best as well. Although the outstanding performance in the season, they were hoping not such an overwhelming success. The field had to enter the Russian ice Ilinykh / Zhiganshin twofold in the first half, who skated up close to 70 points jeti Carmen their program. Except midline step prospered jeti and all their elements were the key step in all paso doble perfectly implemented 4 strong level. Defending champion jeti Italy Cappellini / Lanotte double jeti after a forgettable Grand Prix appearances Resume