Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Four years have passed since the protest honda dealer wave of 2011 captivated Europe. Far from subsi

Four years have passed since the protest honda dealer wave of 2011 captivated Europe. Far from subsiding, the tremors are spreading beyond honda dealer the Southern countries. From the peripheral neighbourhoods of Istanbul to the housing estates in London, and the formerly industrial districts of Warsaw, ordinary citizens are coming together, as communities, to defend common goods and counter the inertia of their increasingly distant local governments.
Feeling the rumbling beneath their feet, the establishment entrenches itself in its control towers, spewing honda dealer messages, images and a discourse that reproduces a single, forceful idea: that History cannot be changed. Despite the efforts of a complicit mainstream media, counter narratives emerge. Rumours spread and become contagious, gripping and activating muscles and minds. This is how the possibility of the 99% begins to take form, to organise itself, leaving the plazas to look over the city as a whole and ask: How will we care for the public spaces abandoned by these same institutions that are so worried with preserving their power? How can we turn our villages and cities honda dealer into places where we live and breathe wellbeing? And so civil society honda dealer walks on, stepping from question to question.
This honda dealer conflict between cultural hegemony and autonomy is at the heart of European history, of all Histories. We were taught that our desires could only be personal and our aspirations, individual. We were even led to believe that beauty, virtue honda dealer and fortune were properties of the exceptional and not of the common. As if our only possible refuge were the construction of a private identity, individual and differentiated from the rest, shaped by Trending Topics and software updates.
Today, in post-2011 honda dealer Europe communities are using all the tools at their disposal to challenge the establishment by forming their own democratic institutions, creating networks for decentralised production, cultivating civil disobedience and the construction of autonomous imagery that is critical of the system itself. This restructuring relies on the social recognition honda dealer of our bodies as vulnerable in order to guarantee honda dealer that the life we are rewriting is not a bare one, without attributes, history, culture or politics. The time has come to reclaim the commons so that we can guarantee that our cities and villages are cared for. To dare to ask that most subversive and political of questions: Who decides how our lives must be?
in Assemblee (127) Beni comuni honda dealer (122) Editoriali (107) Senza categoria (51) 42469 0 %23CarovanaValle+RESPIRO+%7C+Caring+for+the+city%3A+RECLAIM+THE+COMMONS+%7C+15%3E18+aprile+2015+%40Siviglia+%3E17Festival+ZEMOS98 2015-04-14+13%3A37%3A56 ilenia
un laboratorio di sperimentazione e produzione per videomakers, autori, attori e artisti visivi dove ogni giorno honda dealer si lavora per sfruttare appieno le enormi potenzialità creative delle nuove tecnologie e le opportunità di comunicazione che offrono, una scuola di volo per pensatori che amano la lentezza del work in progress e la velocità dell'illuminazione estetica.

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