Wednesday, May 6, 2015

If necessary, close the system, this automatically gives the operator freshman last practice, eve

Home SSC Telecom Italy Themes union renewal CCNL DEMOCRACY AND REPRESENTATION (text approved alfa aesar by the Steering Committee of the CGIL of 15 January 2011) Agreement Interconfederale June 28, 2011 For the SI interconfederal alfa aesar Agreement of 28 June For the NO interconfederal Agreement of 28 June Strike General election results Telemaco depth articles on a mobile phone background phone Contacts Links subscribe to the blog We SLC: who are we? Antonio Gramsci - Indifferent Committees of Members What is the Committee of Members? The SLC / CGIL - Rome and Lazio - in the report of the Steering Committee FAQ - Various alfa aesar union enters
It is news these past few days that the company intended to set up a task force to give a hand to the working men and women engaged in company shops, whose members will be so moved by the field of origin to sales, but will be assigned from time to time to one or the other store depending on the needs of the moment (replacement of long-term absences, promotions alfa aesar ...).
It was time! The undersigned trade union organization is almost a year (from the signing of the land in April 2014, in reference to the commitments made at the national level in March 2014) which launched and repeated on all occasions useful to the proposal to set up a form as the one theme.
Immediately we denounced an organic structurally undersized, which would fall to the first critical: the facts took it upon themselves to give us reason. Yet, since then we clashed with the resistance of the line, which has always refused to increase staff commanded - as if the functioning of the company shops were a concern of only the trade unions: fine control costs, alfa aesar but not when It is to the detriment of the efficiency of the store and download the workers work organization evidently deficient.
Not to mention the fact that the recruitment lasted months, alfa aesar before turning to call centers - which obviously are the pelvis retrieval privileged. alfa aesar We hope that the use of human resources is not only declared, but also practiced.
Once again proved the excellence of the proposals of the undersigned trade union organization, which consenteth alfa aesar the bare facts - unlike the lines, we fear too distracted by the achievement of short-term results.
Same logic shortsighted that we have already denounced the caring relation to the introduction of the telephone bar (see our press release of 06/03), and that continues to give bad test itself: the intention of the Company the ACW should go to disappear - but this will inevitably be reflected on the average length of calls, because the ACW time is not working in line, having to do everything during the call with the customer - only to complain about the increased soon TMS ...
And what about the planning of activities? It is common practice for an operator in the course of the day is in response, then in the back office, then again in response - not being able to then devote his energies to a single activity, in spite of invalidating its productivity.
Some operators O.CS.E alfa aesar / C.RM is also asked to fill out a paper form (paper!), So as not to let them miss anything: for each call must mark to indicate whether the pop-up phone that appears green, yellow, red, if it is a return, if the customer calls for a verbal order, for a reminder, for information ...
Still, the system alfa aesar ROBO management BO has requirements that, in this writer's opinion, does not coincide with the functionality required for a development work carried out according alfa aesar to stated criteria of efficiency:
Practices alfa aesar are sent automatically and there is no way to work with priority practices already in load (eg., For ticket or credit alfa aesar notes outstanding). By contrast, a practice pending an operator is turned to another operator. If the practice is hesitated as suspended, the system assigns the last operator who was shot, and this creates confusion and overlapping in the work;
If necessary, close the system, this automatically gives the operator freshman last practice, even if it was not in the least analyzed or even if you have hesitated putting it on the agenda on the group;
The timing of interfacing between ROBO and CRMA are exceedingly slow, so a practical closed in ROBO it closes contextually alfa aesar in CRMA. It can take hours before the practice is closed in CRMA and it may well happen to overlap alfa aesar in the management of the same practice;
The system is not designed to handle within the same any requests made in response nor the escalations that anyway

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