Saturday, April 25, 2015

Today met the members of the National Coordination of MSW Telecom Italy elected on the SLC CGIL and

SLC CGIL against the reorganization of the "Caring" e200 Telecom Italy | World Mobile Web | Telephony | Offers | Promotions | Savings
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Today met the members of the National Coordination of MSW Telecom Italy elected on the SLC CGIL and the National Secretariat to make an analysis of the dispute "Caring" and in particular on the state of industrial relations e200 within the overall Telecom Italy. Coordination and National Secretariat reiterated the firm determination to respect the mandate e200 of the workers, sparked by the rejection of the proposed agreement for the reorganization of caring, denouncing the strong exploitation adopted in the reading of the result of the referendum which appear incomprehensible and wrong.
The vote of the workers and employees was a free vote and conscious that rejected the contents of the agreement reached, apparently not shared and accepted, showing a state of intense suffering present among the workers e200 and employees of the division "caring". Download the election result the responsibility e200 of the subsequent decisions by the company e200 is not only a cowardly attitude but contributes to rifts between the trade unions and, worse, among workers at a time when unity of purpose is the first real priority over serious decisions e200 taken by the company. And 'quite e200 clear, in fact, that the company's decision to proceed to the corporate reorganization of the division, with the timing communicated in the meeting of 18 February this year, and to proceed e200 with the closure of 19 locations (almost double compared to what was agreed in' draft agreement and less than half of the provisions in the agreements of 27 March 2013) is a serious error that could lead to negative consequences for both the company and for workers coinvolti.Coordinamento and National Secretariat deem necessary to redefine a proposed reorganization of activities of the "caring" that starting from the need to improve the working conditions of staff and offer a service of the highest quality to business customers, is able to make sustainable activity handled internally. The bet that workers and company e200 must launch to the market is that the quality and attention to the customer, a real alternative to the competition made only on price, with the belief e200 that in the coming years will emerge that operator can provide its customers with a quality service, real distinctive element on the strong competition on the Italian market. The project, which will have to start from the result of the referendum, will be made with a proposal that will unite nine thousand workers e200 of the division "caring" about a reorganization alternative to draft corporate reorganization. Facing a paradigm shift from a competition all focused on the price towards a model characterized by the level of quality offered to the customer, do you judge the company's future.
To achieve this path is clear that the vote on the exploitation of workers and the buck of responsibility is another obstacle that threatens to lose ground on the new road rights, quality of life and the remuneration of workers e200 and employees. The error is not to be found in the voting of the workers and employees, but in the management of the negotiation and its inability to build a plan to relaunch shared and not imposed under the blackmail of the corporate reorganization. Coordination and National Secretariat SLC CGIL, therefore, e200 invite other trade unions to convene e200 a coordination unit of the RSU to jointly define the ways in which oppose the proposed e200 corporate reorganization initiated by the company and build an alternative proposal with which the comparison reopen negotiations.
In this context the company's decision to initiate the unilateral closure of nineteen seats is the first exception to the need to manage in a shared organizational projects involving workers. Any unilateral act that is done, any manipulation ride, each forcing realized rappresenteran

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