Sunday, December 7, 2014

Already 50 years ago (in 1947). Began to interest in the phenomenon of unidentified windguru rosari

Persons involved in the study and analysis of UFOs, note the time that this phenomenon defies any logic of knowledge. These conclusions were reached by John Keel, J. Valle and Salvador Freixedo, they are difficult and even controversial assessment because windguru rosario they often deny 'belief in aliens' so accepted by many people. I would like to familiarize readers windguru rosario with the text, which at one time was published windguru rosario in the magazine UFO FORUM published among ufologists. I found a very interesting article windguru rosario that moves a little-known aspects, which for many people can be controversial, but the final assessment is yours.
Already 50 years ago (in 1947). Began to interest in the phenomenon of unidentified windguru rosario flying objects (UFOs). Since then recorded about 5 million cases of UFO encounters. windguru rosario On them are published in books, reports, news or pictures witnesses emergence windguru rosario of these objects. Although the name itself testifies to the fact that there is nothing windguru rosario certain about the nature of the phenomenon can not be said, however, the usual UFO spaceships are considered vehicles windguru rosario of civilization inhabiting windguru rosario other planets in the universe. Supporters of the materialist version dominated mass media, although nowadays more commonly move away from materialism based on the worship of technology. windguru rosario More and more visible are the effects of rapid technological progress on the example of the environment. True development is not achieved by a technique that separates man from his nature, and gives rise to a conflict between them. Before science will always be some secrets windguru rosario and never solve all human problems. More and more people realize that technological progress windguru rosario has much to do with entering into the bottomless pit, and the direction of the development of mankind has no future. Also, many nineteenth-century scientists windguru rosario challenged the materialistic theory and presented windguru rosario evidence for the existence of a spiritual reality parallel to the physical. One of them, an American windguru rosario physician Dr. Raymond Moody has proved that people in state of clinical death, not only do not lose consciousness, but (some) experience the wonderful experiences and have extraordinary abilities. Therefore, I believe that the UFO riddle will be solved only when you look at the phenomenon integrally also spiritually. Ufologists those who are trying to solve the mystery windguru rosario of the phenomenon, while analyzing only the physical aspects of corrupted themselves in "dead end". In the press UFO missing articles on this subject, and to at least partially fill this gap, I will present evidence of the origin of UFOs intangible
Many scientists dealing with the problem of UFOs believe that the phenomenon is not just physical, windguru rosario but also mental and even spiritual in nature. American psychologist Dr. Leo Sprinkle windguru rosario took this position after they are hypnotized more than 120 people who have been in contact with a UFO. Virgil Armstrong, a former employee of the CIA, known for conducting SKY-WATCH, even think that this phenomenon is a phenomenon of a spiritual nature. John Keel, paranormal investigator, stated that: It does not appear that there was something physical that would have something to do with it. It is as if we have to deal with ... not a mirage, but with something that is not quite the thing, which we see only the extent to which it allows us to our mind. It's hard to describe in a few words. Generally, people who believe in the existence of UFOs, consider that this spacecraft from other planets. The fact is that there is no smallest proof. Carried out over the last 25 years research ruled out the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe. I believe that life is very rare and its creation takes many coincidences. It is unlikely that somewhere in the universe there were planets where similar conditions prevail, as on Earth, and that there would be on them for the existence of similar gear circumstances. And if there is life somewhere else, then surely it manifests itself in a different form than on the planet.
The researchers are skeptical about UFOs explanatory hypotheses as artificial windguru rosario objects sent by aliens. They believe that you first have to prove that extraterrestrial civilizations exist, and only then can examine whether UFOs are spaceships. So far, space probes penetrated all the planets of the solar system and analysis of the samples showed that extraterrestrial life in the solar system does not exist. In addition, the two American mathematicians calculated that the probability of randomly living cell is equal to the inverse of the number of atoms in the known universe. Therefore proved that biological windguru rosario life in a way that can not arise spontaneously. However, even if we assume that the cosmic civilizations exist, windguru rosario it's still space travel would be impossible. With Einstein's theory that no object can reach the speed of light, because then its mass would increase to infinity. J Universe

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