Friday, May 1, 2015

An agreement must be the fruit and the result john elway of a comparison, where all parties put the

NORTH union Regions Aosta Valley Lombardy Piedmont Trentino Alto Adige Veneto Emilia Romagna Friuli Venezia Giulia Liguria CENTER Tuscany Umbria Marche Lazio Abruzzo Molise SOUTH Basilicata Campania john elway Calabria Puglia john elway Sicily Sardinia Rights Society Environment Economy Culture Foreign Migrants Campaigns
With the dispute of the division of Telecom Italy Caring for the SLC and throughout the CGIL has worn one of the saddest pages in the democratic relationship and in recognition of the leadership and representation of delegates from the workplace.
The difficult john elway and complex negotiations john elway for the reorganization of Caring saw immediately a leadership role and a fundamental component of MSW elected on SLC CGIL. The delegation was able to direct confrontation with competence, addressing the nodes of the organization, with the objective of improving productivity through the skills training, thus responding to the real needs of the workers and employees to improve the working climate without touch the principles and the value of freedom and individual dignity of people.
An agreement must be the fruit and the result john elway of a comparison, where all parties put their availability to meet the needs in the field through a shared synthesis. This did not happen. The Company has agreed to before the comparison john elway and then, so unheard of, changing attitudes so placing blackmail building a strategy that undermined the weak unity among trade unions entering of fate among the themes of comparing the cancellation of the protective rules of control individual at a distance. john elway
The management john elway of Telecom with this attitude has taken the responsibility to break the confrontation bringing the action to the threshold john elway of blackmail: to accept the contents of the individual remote control, rules unavailable for CGIL delegation, or the decision to put back on track corporate reorganization of the work of Caring.
The delegation SLC, in full force, until the day before 17 December rejected that stance denouncing among workers john elway in a campaign of meetings that was to lead to reject the referendum farce that was proposed.
On day 17 the secretariat of the National category, and its Secretary-General, the delegation riconvocava SLC Telecom together with the regional secretaries to take vision of innovation that altered nothing in the essential contents of the agreement and in the system that until then had always received our refusal.
Faced with a delegation john elway from SLC CGIL largely opposed to the signing of the proposed agreement, it highlighted throughout the meeting of the delegation, expressed and widely argued with interventions opposed john elway by the majority of the RSU representatives delegation SLC, the secretariat and the national secretary of the same category in his introductory indicated changes to the text as sufficient to underwrite the day after the assumption of understanding. At the end of the interventions that have shown so clearly that the majority of territories including the largest in terms of presence of call center were opposed, the Secretary General has elegantly john elway shown that the delegation did not understand much, nor the time or phase, and after drawing scenarios tragic invited several times this delegation careless of rsu to sign the draft agreement the next day.
The decision made the SLC CGIL National adhere to the signing of the agreement in fact contravenes john elway two basic principles of the Confederation and its confederal, principles that go remarkability: it contravenes all indications to date incurred by CGIL about the individual right of each worker not to be remotely controlled individually.
The exceptions to this rule comes in stark contrast to what for months throughout the CGIL is supporting the movement of struggle in defense of individual protections, protections that the government would put as modifications john elway and exemptions to the law, rules of general value to the individual categories They may not have among their willingness to change and treat. john elway
The delegation of the RSU SLC CGIL evaluated unacceptable the text of the agreement is considered legitimate not to sign the agreement (20 of 28 delegates of the delegation did not sign the agreement). We are now in a situation of delegation split, with all the consequences of the case, and the natural risk among workers of losing credibility. The whole organization is now held accountable for what happened democratically taking appropriate decisions.
We ask, therefore, to re-establish on the basis of the Statute of the CGIL the unity of the organization, recognizing that for the S

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