Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Some algae have been adhirindose each other, rather than act alone, since much more time than it ta

Playback of content mediagalaxy in commercial media Remember: suscrbete to our free newsletter and receive chest of drawers and weekly news on your electronic address. Biology Las Colonias Multistage of Volvox have an Origin Ms Lo Old Creed April 8 200 9.
Some algae have been adhirindose each other, rather than act alone, since much more time than it takes is suspected, according to a new study by the department of ecology and evolutionary biology of University of Arizona. Mename Ancestors mediagalaxy of Volvox algae made the transition from the state of unicellular to multicellular colonies for at least 200 million years, during the period Trisico. Haban previous estimates suggested that the ancestors mediagalaxy of volvox mediagalaxy emerged makes only 50 million mediagalaxy years. This alga cambi a communal lifestyle in only 35 million years, a blink in geologic time scale. Deduct how algae made this change may provide clues to how multicellular organisms evolved (like vegetables and animals) from the solitary cells. All macroscpicos organisms we see around us derive from unicellular ancestors. Each of these groups had to undergo a transition as sta.
Lead researcher Matthew D. Herron and his colleagues used DNA sequences of about 45 different species of volvox and relatives to reconstruct the genealogical tree of the group, and determine how long ago that emerged early ancestors these life forms. The volvox and their evolutionary relatives live in freshwater lakes in many parts of the world. Some species are unicellular, while others live in colonies of up to 50,000 cells. Grouped into a large mass is a strategy that can provide protection against predators, besides other advantages. Many species of algae that form colonies are visible to the naked eye, appearing mediagalaxy as pequeas green spheres floating in the water. The more complex species have a division of tasks in their communities. For example, some cells swim while others reproduce.

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